Friday, January 30, 2009

4 choices

So my mom basically has 4 options on what to do. Go to Salt Lake. Hospice care at home, hospice care at the hospice center, or something highly experimental. So I dont think shes gonna go to Salt Lake, or do anything experimental, so she might also just do another round of temodar, chemo. We dont really know what they are gonna do yet though. Thats the update on MOM.

Just something small

So I got my haircut today, or should I say WHACKED! I got six inches cut off and got the A-Line Bob angelina jolie.. and I have to say...Its pretty dang cute:) Just something I will have to get used to but once again...I did it kinda on a whim, its been kinda in the making but today I just felt it and my operator was so excited when I mentioned it to her a few days ago and so I just agreed, and she said lets do it before you change your mind, and that was a wrap. She chopped 6 inches off. So It is nice, I will have to get used to it, but its just hair, and ya need a change sometimes and it will grow back.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


So as many may know, the biggest thing in my life now is that my mom has a cancerous glioblastoma brain tumor that she was diagnosed with in Oct. My dad said she had been not herself for about two months, ever since school started, sleeping all the time, and her balance started getting a little off. Grandma went up to Riverton in September and noticed her balance and thought something was up then. She was late for school alot and wouldnt write my brother an excuse. One day at school she was late, and was disorganized, disoriented and confused and had fallen on a couple occasions including a nature walk with the students and maybe once in the classroom. Cheryl Mowry( the principal) had called my dad and dad said not to let her drive he would be there. I guess that morning she ripped the grill guard off the truck and didnt realize it. So he took her to the emergency room and they gave her some dramamine or benadryl told her it was post viral go get the prescription and shed be fine in a couple days. Well the next day she had to come home, and dad called billings and brought her up the day after that. They did and MRI to find she had a tumor, and they would follow up with another MRI on Tuesday(That was thursday) and a biopsy wednesday to see what the deal was. Tuesday they took her in, marked the spot to go in for the biopsy, and wednesday came. They had a millimeter to work with for spot reasons of the tumor. they came out and basically told my dad it was terminal, there was nothing they could do and as far as being cancerous they didnt know, but it wasnt good. If it wasnt, it would be very treatable. And we were hoping for the best, she was a very healthy lady. However it came back it was cancerous, and they started 6 weeks of chemo/radiation combo and they went to bozeman where my aunt lives, which was so nice. Grandma went to Riverton to take care of TJ and I cannot thank the people in Riverton ENOUGH for everything I know they have done. Belvilles, Salisburys, and Mr. Watson and his fam and Mike and Carolyn, just to name a few. Also everyone in Ord for the prayers cards and phone calls, Even All those that were close to dad in Spalding and everywhere in between. She is now done with the 2nd round of chemo and has an MRI today. The tumor has grown and shes had some bad days, but we are still keeping strong faith just like mom is. My grandma would also like to thank everyone in Riverton for being so generous to help her out whenever need be. She tells everyone here in crawford what a wonderful community and friends my parents have made just in 3 years. Anyways, We are still praying and keeping strong faith that something will happen positively, however we dont want mom to suffer so we arent gonna make her just to keep her here. The positive side is she is not in pain, not sick and is surrounded by love and care and my dad has been soooo sooo good to her, all this has made me feel so bad for dad mostly, but its also made me know that he is 100 times the guy I always knew he was anyways, and I love him maybe even a lot more now then I even did before, I know I dont say it, but Im like him. As far as MOM, I do love my MOM, always have, we havent been close, but MOM and I are fine, moving on from the small things and I know she is an amazing lady thats touched many many lives in a positive way and so has dad. I talk to Michelle every other day, and I know she really liked my mom and MOM made a big impact on her life and many others, I have become pretty good buds with Chris because we have the same friends in Chadron and also because him and my mom liked each other alot as well. So anyways she has an MRI today and There will certainly be more to come of this blog. I will do my best to keep updated.

Monday, January 26, 2009


I am so glad I found this blogging website. My friend Katie suggested it and I think I will really like it. Since Katie suggested it my first blog will be a dedication to her. I have been friends with Katie since about 7th grade volleyball. We had some good times, and as much as I used to think High School was a bad deal, whenever I think of something with Katie I can always laugh. I will never forget the time she needed help with science and she asked me to help, so I went to her house, and we went through the science and she was really sick to some health issues and a couple of her friends started being mean to her and another friend came over to my rescue. I was appalled these girls were being mean to Katie and the other older girl was dumbfounded because if something would have happened to Katie I sure wouldnt have known what to do and Im sure Katies mom would have been most unimpressed.

Perhaps the best memory and funniest memory I have of high School, that I and we didnt think was so funny then is hilarious now and we laugh everytime. I was going to get to spend the night with my friend Jessica and Katie lived right by her. Well, we all got together and Jess had a go-cart. well it wasnt that late, but I had to call my mom at like 830 and tell her we were in for the nite and then I could stay the nite with her. Well we were told by Jess' mom and dad not to take the go-cart, but we were like ....well were not taking it far. We just thought we would take it around the block or whatever, but it was dark. Well we also had no flashlight and it was dark. Around the block ended up being a 3.5 mile trip with the go-cart. The go-cart ran out of gas. So us three had to push the go-cart about 2 miles, which sucked. Jess ended up just pushing the cart back to her house about .5 mile. Katie had somehow when we got stuck in the ditch when we were all 3 on the go cart cut her ankle on some barbed wire fence and was in pain. I was smaller than katie but she was in pain and I was helping her walk back to the house. Well I ended up trying to carry her on my back and it was Im sure a sight to see. So, I, helping Katie, was just walking slowly with her trying to carry her on my back, try and get back to the house. Well we got back and katies Ankle was hurt and bleeding. And it was also about 9 o'clock. Needless to say I missed the 830 deadline to call my mom and she came and got me and that was the end of that sleep over, I was so mad. But katie and Jess and I laugh at the go-cart incident every time we talk about it.